Sarah Keil
After three years in Nashville, Sarah still doesn't consider herself a Southerner—though she loves it here in Middle Tennessee. Maybe that day will come, but until then, she is still a proud Indiana girl married to an Ohio State-obsessed man, Ben (who has banned the term "y'all" at their house and will be utterly devastated if their baby develops a Southern accent). Sarah became a mama in May 2016 upon the birth of their first child, a son (online persona=#BabyVolde). Though she loves her three cats, they are most assuredly not her children. By day, Sarah is an academic librarian. By night, she loves to cook, bake, read, run marathons (well, not every night...), be involved with her church, and explore Nashville's many parks, restaurants, and coffee shops with her little family. You can find out what Sarah is up to in the kitchen by visiting her blog, The Pajama Chef (, or by following her on Twitter or Instagram (@thepajamachef).
Easy Back to School Snacks for Kids
If you're a mom (or a dad or a nanny or a babysitter or a grandparent or any other sort of caregiver), you're probably familiar with this sentence: "I'm hungry." Maybe in your experience...
Beyond Casseroles: Meals to Bring to Celebrate a New Baby
Let's be honest here. How many of us have ever baked up a lasagna to bring a family welcoming a baby or mourning the loss of a loved one? *Raises both hands* But think...
Beyond Green Food Coloring: Kid Friendly St. Patrick’s Day Recipes
Alright everyone... enough with the green food coloring already! I am permanently scarred from the green milk I was forced to drink as part of an elementary school St. Patrick's Day program. These kid...
Fourteen Favorite Valentine’s Day Books
There's no better way to spend a chilly winter afternoon then reading. And since Valentine's Day is coming up, why not choose a holiday themed book (or three) to read with your kiddos?! Best...
60+ Chili Recipes Your Family Will Love
Chili — a classic fall dish. It's great to make for a crowd because everyone loves it. At least SOME version of it, right? Did you know that October is National Chili Month? I...
Find it at the Library: Must-Read Picture Books to Shake Up Your Reading Routine
We all know the benefits of reading with your kiddos, but here's one more article to convince you of that fact. :) I know my son could read the same book seventeen times in...
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month
Did you know that February is National Children's Dental Health Month? Now you do! :) Given the nature of the month, this probably isn't a holiday to celebrate with a cake (though dentist birthday cakes...
Car Seat Safety: Keeping My Kiddo Rear Facing as Long as Possible
Car seats. Ugh. A necessity, but pretty much one of the parenting controversies of the century, right? I avoid posting ANY pictures online of my son in his car seat because I don't want...
Teacher Approved Gift Ideas: From the Wife of a Nashville Teacher
Alright - let me preface this with a little tiny disclaimer. I know there can be some disagreement as to whether teacher gifts should be a thing (they're already getting paid to be here!)...
Mama Loves Reading: Five Favorite Recent Reads
I am a certified book-a-holic. In my opinion, when the weather turns cold, it is the perfect time to curl up with a good book. Just add a hot beverage and a cozy blanket, and you...