Dear Long-Distance Grandparent,
I see that look in your eyes when you say goodbye to your grandkids on Skype. Maybe they kiss the screen or maybe they run to the other room. Either way your heart is full of love. You may even say, “I wish I was there with you,” and they don’t realize the depth of the sentiment.
I’m sure living far away is not what you anticipated. You’ve dreamt of becoming a grandparent, welcoming your grandkids into your home, playing hide and seek, spoiling them with ice cream, and riling them up before sending them back to their parent’s house.
You pictured laughter and reveling in the day-to-day moments and experiencing their milestones on a regular basis. You’ve always been so engaged. It’s one of the things your kids love about you.
You want them to know you and to pass on the wisdom you’ve gained from a full life, but life altered your plans and your grandkids are not around the corner from you. Even though you live far away and this grandparenting thing is not exactly what you expected, you need to know that you are AMAZING.
You’ve shown that deep relationships can span over hundreds of miles. Laughter and connection happen over Skype and FaceTime conversations and through letters in the mail and weekend visits. Your grandkids’ anticipation of your presence makes it all the more sweet.
Hats off to you for your ability to love so deeply from afar. That’s the wonderful thing about grandparents. Their hearts are so big—a little thing like distance doesn’t matter.
Don’t get down on yourself because you feel what you are doing isn’t enough. It is. And it is appreciated.
We may not say it, but your kids hope that one day—when their children grow up—that they are as engaged and present in their grandkids lives as you are with your grandchildren.
Thanks, Allison. It is hard to be away from the grandkids. We do miss seeing them grow but our visits are sweet. Thanks, too for the reminder of Skype and writing letters. I could do better at staying in touch and your words encouraged me to find more creative ways while we are apart from them. May God bless you in all of your “mothering”. You’re doing a great job!
Thanks, Terez! Long-distance relationships do take a bit of creativity. We did story time with Nana for awhile every Sunday evening via Skype and it was something Ellis looked forward to every week. Happy grandparents day, Terez. Your grandkids are lucky to have you as their grandma.