Jocelyn Cody

Jocelyn is a Navy Brat who grew up all over the country but feels most at home in Nashville. A 2004 graduate of Vanderbilt University and 2010 Belmont grad, she and her husband (Jason) are thrilled to be back in Nashville. Jason is an officer in the US Army, so moving is a way of life. They are looking forward to spending a few years here in their favorite US city with their two kids, Logan (age 4) and Caroline (age 1). Jocelyn is a Family Nurse Practitioner, currently practicing here in Nashville.
Valentines Cupcakes — with Strawberry Cream Cheese Frosting
Among the many benefits of children (legos everywhere, sloppy kisses, and tender, “I wuv you”s) is the ever increasing opportunity to bake. I’d never considered myself much of a baker. I had one cake...
Bring on the Madness! How to Embrace the Holidays
The other day I found myself saying, “Life is insane right now. I just need to make it through the holidays…” Wait. WHAT?! Stop. I love Christmas. LOVE. IT. The decorations. The smell. (Balsam &...
The Chocolate Cake Your Life is Missing
It’s the holiday season – and everything that implies. Time is short and the list of social engagements is long. So let me save you some time. THIS is the dessert you need to...
Moving Tips from a Military Spouse
Hi, my name is Jocelyn, I’m an Army wife – which means I’ve move. A LOT. My husband and I have been married nearly 12 years, and we are currently staring move number seven...
Mourning the Life I Have to Leave Behind
12 days. That’s all the time I have left here in Nashville. The movers arrive in 8 days, so the hours I’m not at work will be spent preparing for yet another big change....
DIY Firecracker Centerpieces
While shopping for supplies for our Fourth of July Block Party, I stumbled upon some adorable Firecracker centerpieces. They had glitter! Ribbon! Pompoms! I mean, the tackiness level was so over the top I simply had...
Let’s Talk About Family Planning – Part 2: Family Planning Options and How They...
Family Planning
Now, whatever your reason for being interested in family planning, you should select the method that works best for you. Talk with your OB/GYN or Primary Care Provider about your plans for future...
Let’s Talk About Family Planning — Part 1: Your Menstrual Cycle Explained
Congratulations, mama! You survived TEN grueling months of nausea, swollen ankles, frequent urination, and sleep deprivation. Your reward? A tiny, adoring human — and the return of your monthly visitor. While you are thrilled...
How Mama Got Her Groove Back…
Take a moment and think back… before the kids, before the wedding, before college… waaaaay back to those angst-filled teenage years. I know, the horrors! But nestled in between the broken hearts and questionable...
These 10 Services Will Change Your Life!
Whether you are a stay-at-home Mom, a work-from-home Mom, a part-time workin Mama or a full-time working Mama there is one thing we can all agree on… there are not enough hours in the...