8 Gardening Tips for Beginners


Spring is here, y’all! If you’re planning to try gardening, it’s time to till that soil and get those plants into the ground (or into those pots, if that’s how you roll)!

Follow these 8 simple steps to get you gardening like a pro.

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Location, Location, Location

Finding the right spot for your garden is key. Be sure the place you pick is easily accessible, gets a lot of sunlight (8 hours for most veggies), and has access to a water source. If you are short on space, consider going vertical. Besides being a space saver, going vertical has other benefits—including less chance for fungus, more air-circulation, and making harvesting the veggies easier.

Have a Gardening Plan

Make sure you plan out not just your location but also the types of veggies/herbs you want in your garden ahead of time. This way, you can group types of plants together that need similar attention.  

Use a Raised Bed

Not only does using a raised bed look great, it also allows you to have the right amount of soil. You need several inches of quality, nutrient-rich soil in order to ensure that your plants will grow and flourish. Another interesting fact about raised beds? They are said to produce four times more than a standard flat bed.

Soil & Mulch

An important part of gardening is the soil. If you are going to invest the time and energy into a garden, you really need to put some thought into the type of soil you use. If you don’t already compost, make sure you to incorporate organic matter into your soil, remove any weeds, and turn the soil.

Mulch is equally as important. Mulching keeps your plant roots cooler in the heat, holds soil moisture, suppresses weeds, and protects your soil from the elements. An extra bonus—it just looks great!

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Buy Plants, Not Seeds

As a beginner, make it easy on yourself. Purchase plants rather than seeds. You will have an accurate count of your plants and will be able to plan out your space more accurately. Also, it helps to build confidence right from the start.  Don’t take the chance on starting your gardening journey with seeds that never make it out of the gate!

Know your Growing Zone

What works for one location may not work for another. Be sure to consult the USDA Hardiness Zone Map so you can find which plants do best in your area.


Plants need water and sun to grow, so you can’t forget to water them. You also need to know that you can water them too much. Finding the right balance is key. Be sure to water at the root. Too much water on the leaves can cause rot and mold.

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Have Fun!

Make the garden experience fun! Keep it simple at first—and enjoy.

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Danielle is a Philadelphia native who made her way to Music City almost four years ago by way of Los Angeles. With both undergraduate and graduate degrees in English, she (of course!) pursued a career in Event Production. After working on many of Hollywood’s biggest parties, she and her husband (Steve) moved to Nashville. She loves all things DIY, buying magazines that she doesn’t have time to read, scouring zillow for houses she can redo in her mind, and spending time with her children (Emmi, Phoenix, and Leo). On her personal blog, Our Tennessee Life, she writes about life, design, food, and whatever else strikes her fancy.


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