Five Fun Indoor Activities for Snow Days

It’s that time of year! Snow flurries start flying, and before you know it? That dreaded text pops up on your phone. School is closed tomorrow. One snow day is pretty great, but when you have two or three (or, gasp, four) in a row? The kiddos start to get a little bored, and you start getting a little tired of mopping up melted snow and drying coats and snow bibs.
fun indoor activities for snow days
When it’s too cold, too snowy, or just too much to head outside? Fun indoor activities are your friend. Today, we’re sharing a few tried-and-true favorites:

Build an (indoor) snowman.

Middle Tennessee rarely sees the amount of snow necessary for a proper snowman. Set your kiddos to work building indoor ones with this cute craft project

Make slime.

So, true story. The first time I made this, I followed the wrong recipe. It had me use equal parts school glue and liquid starch. This did not make slime. It made sticky, clingy, colorful super glue that I had to scrape off my son’s hands and down the garbage disposal. (Miraculously, it didn’t clog.) Don’t use that recipe. Use this one, which calls for Borax and clear Elmer’s. I keep a big box of Borax with my laundry supplies, and we always have glue and food coloring on hand. This makes an easy, low cost project. It keeps my kids occupied for a good chunk of time. And the slime can be refrigerated and reused. Although, let’s be honest. Making this stuff is half the fun.

Paint with water.

If crafts and messes aren’t your thing, stash away a few paint with water books. Pull them out when the snowflakes and cold trap you indoors. I like to pull up a couple of old Bob Ross episodes on YouTube to get my kiddos in the artsy mood.

Take your fort-making skills to the next level.

This one works great for older kids (or for older siblings to help younger ones). Add a movie and some snacks, and you just might be able to sneak away to the next room for a few minutes of peace and quiet.

Bake something.

Pick a recipe that’s easy to make with kids, Throw on some music for a dance party while they’re baking. Drop a few off at your neighbor’s house too!

Do you have a favorite snow day activity? Let us know in the comments!


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