Hello! I’m Laura, a middle Tennessee native currently residing just outside of Franklin, TN. I’m a busy mom of 4 who is always on the go. I worked in the financial industry for 3 years before becoming a stay at home mom to my first son in 2010. In 2012 my second son was born and shortly there after I opened a party decor shop. In 2015 I added a third son and in a surprise twist 14 months later our daughter arrived to complete our family!
The COVID years killed my party shop and brought my husband home to work full time in my once beloved office. Once life picked back up, my kids were no longer little and we were constantly on the go with no time left to manage my small business. My full time job is now being their personal assistant and manager which oddly takes way more time than I would have ever imagined. My SUV is my second home and on any given day you can find me criss crossing my way all over Williamson County for school drop offs, pick ups, soccer, ballet, gymnastics and music lessons amongst other things.
In what little spare time we have left, I make sure to fill it with fun adventures. I’ve discovered a love for road tripping which we take for any school break. I fill those trips with a variety of experiences from history, to nature, food, museums and a few beer gardens along the way. Personally, I love cooking, deep life chats, a good gin martini, throwing parties and discovering new experiences. I’m excited to join the Nashville Moms team and look forward to creating guides for the Nashville area.