Meg Wicks

Meg considers herself to be a certified chaos coordinator. A mom of three, she's a long-time resident of Nashville and can't imagine a better city for raising her family. Meg lives with ADHD, a renovation and project obsessed husband, a teenage driver, a lego-obsessed kiddo, and a budding artist. Her nerves — and the bottoms of her feet — are finished with the day by 2pm. Meanwhile, every surface is covered with renovation dust and paint — or flour from her escape baking. In her spare time (irony), you can find her running (hi, stress relief!) and working on freelance editing and writing gigs.
The Longest Five Minutes of My Life
In my thirty plus trips around the sun, only a handful of moments have scared me so much that I couldn’t think straight. One of those moments was when my oldest child was missing for...
Organization Tips for Easy Back to School Mornings
Back to school. That phrase is enough to strike fear into the hearts of parents who have just gotten the hang of the summer routine. Backpacks and new clothes! Shoes and brushed teeth! Did...
Be Strong — How LG is Helping Students #GiveHappiness
We all know that the current COVID pandemic has us facing isolation, anxiety and depression on a daily basis. With so much uncertainty in our daily lives, it is sometimes hard to parse out...
Random Acts of Kindness — FOR KIDS! (With Printable Calendar!)
We at Nashville Moms Blog know that as parents, there are so many things we are thankful for — even during 2020! And we know that we often try to reflect on those blessings...
Virtual School? We’ve Got Amazon Finds That Can Help!
Many schools are returning to school virtually this fall, and we're all trying to do our best to prepare our children for our new reality. With virtual school comes a completely new version of...
National Donut Day 2020
Need a little sweetness in your week? Fear not — tomorrow (June 5) is National Donut Day! We've got your roundup of local spots (as well as chain options) to get your donut fix....
Need Easter Delivered? Shop Small Here!
Here in Nashville, we've had a heckuva month. Tornado disaster followed by a pandemic has left many of us with the wind knocked out of us, not knowing which way is up. And all...
Activities During Social Distancing – Indoor, Outdoor, and Educational Resources
My my, how life has changed since the last guide we posted! This month, in lieu of an event guide, we have compiled a list of ways to keep kids entertained, both inside and...
Spring Break Camps in Nashville
Welcome to the 2020 Nashville Spring Break Camps Guide!
Ready for spring break in Nashville? We sure are, and our Guide to Spring Break Camps is here to help you prepare some activities to help...
DIY Elderberry Syrup — in the Instant Pot!
It's the cold and flu season, and both of these viruses and others are running rampant through schools, work places — and our homes. We're all desperate to find a way to fight off...