Tag: exercise

5 Ways I’m Teaching My Kids to Love Health and Fitness

I started going to the gym two years ago for my own needs. My goals: to lose the baby weight, feel comfortable in my...

Why We Said No To Sports This Season

  Last fall, I signed my two boys up for soccer. This was their first experience being on a sports team, and we were told...
Run Mama Run: Tips for Running with a Jogging Stroller

Run Mama Run: Tips for Running with a Jogging Stroller

I've been a runner since I was 12. A significant portion of my life has been spent running and racing . . . and...

10 Fifteen Minute Workouts to Sneak into Your Day

I've come to embrace the fact that I'm not going to pack up the kids to go to the gym. Packing bags, putting on all...

Aging :: Coming to Terms with the Inevitable

Thankfully, I have always been a pretty healthy person. I’ve never struggled with any blood pressure, diabetes, or even weight issues. (I work really hard to NOT...

Meet Us at the Barre! Prenatal & Postnatal Class at Neighborhood...

Are you a new or expectant mom? Looking to stay fit or to tone back up after baby? We've got the answer for you! Nashville...

Get Moving Together — 6 Family-Friendly Fitness Options

Perhaps you made a commitment to be more fit in 2015. Perhaps you want to set a better example for your kids. Or maybe, you...

Meet Other Moms. Get Outdoors. Get Fit. Hike It Baby!

After my son was born, I felt like a completely different person. In some really amazing ways...and some really disappointing ways. It seemed as...