Tag: toddler

Things No One Told Me About Having Kids 

Eleven years ago we rescued a tiny puppy and called him our baby. We thought he would be good training for becoming parents one...

Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Kids Busy –– So You...

  I know I’m not the only mom who struggles to get things done with little kids underfoot. You’ve probably seen that Pinterest quote image:...

Stubborn Toddler? Sometimes You Just Have to Give In.

My oldest son is an easy breezy, go with the flow, doesn’t care what color shirt he has on type of a kid. Thank...

Creating One-on-One Time with Kids

I don’t think anyone can argue that motherhood isn’t busy. We mommas take care of our kiddos all day long in some form or...

3 Kids In 3 Years…And I Love It!

  When I was younger…pre-kids era, I used to think that I would have three or four children that were spaced two to three years...

Do You Have A Mom Mentor? 

You’ve heard it takes a village, right? Well, it may not take a very big village. But we all need help from time to...

My Life-Changing Mom Hacks

You don’t need to look very hard to find a gazillion mom hacks to make life “easier” for you. Pinterest. Mommy blogs. Facebook. And...
Stocking stuffers for toddlers

Best Toddler Stocking Stuffers

Christmas is coming! Have you started shopping yet? I have. Online shopping FTW! But it's tough — especially now that I have a toddler...

The Bittersweet End of Toddlerhood

Parenting a three-year-old was the definition of insanity: doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. How many times did I...
age appropriate books to read aloud together kids reading literacy family fun Nashville Moms Blog

Kids’ Reading List :: Age Appropriate Books for Reading Aloud Together

Experts says that reading aloud is the number one best thing parents can do to prepare their child for reading and learning. The benefits...