Tag: health

Mommy Guilt Expressed Through Haiku

My mommy guilt began almost the minute I became pregnant. I felt guilty over a glass of wine. I felt guilty for drinking caffeinated...

Motherhood Unexpected: Why My Child with Disabilities Doesn’t Need Your Pity

This is not the motherhood I pictured. There. I said it. At least, it's not the motherhood I daydreamed about when I placed my hands...

5 Tips for Potty Training Your Toddler :: A Parent’s Guide

As many parents know, once you commit to a potty training regimen with your toddler, it is important to stick to it. Consistency is key...

Get Moving Together — 6 Family-Friendly Fitness Options

Perhaps you made a commitment to be more fit in 2015. Perhaps you want to set a better example for your kids. Or maybe, you...

8 Things I Don’t Worry About (Too Much!) While Pregnant

This is my third rodeo so to speak, and I am quickly approaching my 3rd trimester. I’m feeling a little bit like a seasoned pregnant...

Meet Other Moms. Get Outdoors. Get Fit. Hike It Baby!

After my son was born, I felt like a completely different person. In some really amazing ways...and some really disappointing ways. It seemed as...

How Your Pap Test Can Save Your Life :: My Personal...

In 2009, I was a healthy 25 year old, 9 weeks pregnant with her first child. During my first exam with my new OB-GYN,...

More Than Morning Sickness — Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Sound familiar? Unless you know a woman with this condition, it probably doesn't. While you may not know the term, you likely...

My Promise to My Daughter

A few weeks ago, we were having breakfast with family. My four-year-old son and my two-year-old daughter were both tearing up some pancakes with...

Weighing in on the Spanking Debate

I try to get most of my news from Jon Stewart so that even the most horrific stories make me laugh, yet I accidentally...