Tag: babies

Creating One-on-One Time with Kids

I don’t think anyone can argue that motherhood isn’t busy. We mommas take care of our kiddos all day long in some form or...

10 Reasons to Hug a Doula :: In Honor of Doula...

May is National Doula Appreciation month. That means we moms fortunate enough to have a doula get to thank the women who stood by...

3 Kids In 3 Years…And I Love It!

  When I was younger…pre-kids era, I used to think that I would have three or four children that were spaced two to three years...

Do You Have A Mom Mentor? 

You’ve heard it takes a village, right? Well, it may not take a very big village. But we all need help from time to...

When I am Glenn Close and Sleep is My Michael Douglas

My 15-month old is teething, bless her little sleep-killing soul. I should feel bad for her, but let's be honest, my empathy went out...
When Your Baby is "Late" to the Walking Game

When Your Baby is “Late” to the Walking Game

Everyone says kids develop at that their own pace, and I have recently learned just how true that is. Tomorrow my son turns sixteen...

5 Things A New Momma Can Take Off of Her Plate

Congratulations! You have a baby! And it’s crying! It's more exhausting than you ever imagined it could be! And your cousin, Anna? She totally...

Formula Feeding With No Regrets

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I got asked constantly if I was going to breastfeed. My answer? I planned to try. To...
age appropriate books to read aloud together kids reading literacy family fun Nashville Moms Blog

Kids’ Reading List :: Age Appropriate Books for Reading Aloud Together

Experts says that reading aloud is the number one best thing parents can do to prepare their child for reading and learning. The benefits...

The Benefits of a Baby Schedule

I started my son on a schedule when he was one month old. He seemed to skip the sleepy newborn stage—rarely napping during the day...