Tag: motherhood

Mourning the End of Childbearing

I was never sure if I wanted to have children. Even after I got married, I wasn’t sure if kids were for me. I...

Third Time’s the Charm: The Baby

Over the summer, we welcomed our daughter to our family after much debate over whether not to have a third child and then a relatively...

Weaning Sucks

The first year of my son's life was relatively easy. He slept through the night from 10 weeks old, loved everyone, and—save for a few...

Easy, Affordable Healthcare — At Home!

When I first heard about Dose Healthcare, all I could think was, "Whoa. You mean my kid—or I!—could be treated/diagnosed/get my flu shot/etc. without rounding up...

Silly Adults, Picture Books are for Kids

I adore reading to my kid. We read at least two picture books a day—usually more. As an aspiring children's book author, I know...

Third Time’s the Charm? The Pregnancy

I know exactly when it happened. About a month into my oldest son starting five-day-a-week pre-K, I looked at my youngest son—then two years old—and...

Trying to Keep the Urban in Suburban

Everyone says it's going to happen. You have kids, your priorities change. When I was pregnant (and blissfully ignorant), we bought a Craftsman house...

The Me I Used To Be

I miss my pre-kid life. That's a tough thought to publicly throw out there. It sounds as if I'm saying I wish I weren't a...

A Parents’ Guide to Parenting Trends

Mommy Wars. We’ve all heard about them, but I have yet to witness an actual battle between helicopters and free-rangers, attachment parents and tiger...

Real Life: Welcome to Our Home — Please Forgive the Mess

As I write this, I’m sitting in my living room. There’s an overflowing tub of shoes by the front door, a desk that is...