Tag: moms

Me Too — On Sexual Harassment and Assault

"Me too." Two little words with a powerful punch. Two words that state unapologetically and without question: I, too, am a woman who has been...

How I Learned the Power of the Word “No”

Last week, I was once again sitting in traffic on my way to drop my daughter off at preschool. My blood was boiling with...

The Gift of Time

I saw a meme recently that featured a pair of adorable Steve Madden shoes—the classic black platform sandals that we all owned in the...

Don’t Stay At Home, Mama! Get Out and Explore Nashville!

I hate when I play with my kid for six hours, then it turns out it's only been 20 minutes. When I am at home,...

6 Easy Ways to Raise Creative Kids

We were running late. My threenager was in her room picking out an outfit for the day (aka playing with her pom poms and...

How to Talk to Kids About a Deceased Loved One They...

My dad was the best dad. And I don’t say that lightly. So when he passed away unexpectedly my sophomore year of college, it...

5 Ways to Help a Friend Grieving Miscarriage, Infertility, or Infant...

“I'm sorry, but your pregnancy won't last.” The doctor’s words echoed in my ears after I put down the phone. The pain hit hard...

For the Love, RSVP to the Birthday Party Already!

Ahem. I’ll try to say this nicely: Why on earth did so many people stop RSVPing to birthday parties?! Some of you are nodding in agreement...

When Good Enough (Not Great) Is Really Enough

Me? I’m a typical first-born. I find a huge amount of satisfaction in crossing things off my to-do list. I follow directions (to a T),...

The Guilt of Grieving the Life I Thought I Wanted

I met my husband in the middle of my junior year of college and completely blew off all of his attempts to hit on...