Tag: big kids

Red White & Ruck!

Red White & Ruck, hosted by Memories of Honor, is a fun, patriotic, family friendly ruck/run/walk event held at Castle Park (TN Renaissance Fest...

What Happened When Mommy Tried the Keto Diet . . .

I want to share a little snippet into the beginning of my journey to become the best version of myself with help from the...

Things No One Told Me About Having Kids 

Eleven years ago we rescued a tiny puppy and called him our baby. We thought he would be good training for becoming parents one...

Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Kids Busy –– So You...

  I know I’m not the only mom who struggles to get things done with little kids underfoot. You’ve probably seen that Pinterest quote image:...

Being A Volunteer in the “Volunteer State”

The truth? My now four year old will be able to go to whichever college she chooses after she graduates high school. I would...

My Dad’s Death Shaped My Parenting Philosophy

I can still remember the last phone conversation I had with my dad. I was a sophomore in college and talked to my parents...

Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves

We've all been there. It's 2 am, and supernatural mama-senses jolt you awake. A bit confused by the rude awakening, you hear the faint...

Leadership Academy :: Creating a Behavior Culture of Accountability – The...

At Leadership Academy, we believe in giving young people a voice. We believe in asking them how they want to be treated and how they...

Creating One-on-One Time with Kids

I don’t think anyone can argue that motherhood isn’t busy. We mommas take care of our kiddos all day long in some form or...

Do You Have A Mom Mentor? 

You’ve heard it takes a village, right? Well, it may not take a very big village. But we all need help from time to...