Whitney Sewell

Whitney is rediscovering Nashville with a toddler and baby after spending a few post-college years (Go Blue Raiders!) exploring other cities in the South with her high school sweetheart turned husband. She is a stay-at-home-mom to two boys, and no, she is not trying for a girl. Sometimes she puts her former marketing career skills to good use by designing kid-centric decor on Etsy. When the kids are napping, she enjoys cooking, reading, and rearranging the playroom for the 87th time.
Hard Kids Have Good Moms Too
I was walking through Kroger around Mother’s Day when I saw it: a mug on display featuring the hand illustrated note “Good Kids have Good Moms.”
I wasn’t really trying to get punched in the...
Fighting the Quarantine Blues
Some of y’all love to be home. This is your time to shine.
But for some of us? This is a time of severe spiraling. Personally, I like to keep busy. If I can get...
Five Ways to Support Nashville during Social Distancing
I’m writing this from my bedroom floor, hidden behind a pile of laundry where my children won’t find me. This is social distancing at its finest, right?
What a pickle, folks. Life has changed a...
When Motherhood Feels Stupid Hard
You didn’t expect to feel this way about motherhood.
Tell me if these thoughts resonate with you just a bit:
You love kids, not just your own, but the bonus children in your life through friends...
In Defense of Christmas Presents
Let’s talk about Christmas. Specifically? Let's talk about Christmas with a kid old enough to get excited about Christmas. Because, y’all. I’ve waited nearly THREE DECADES for this!
Okay. That’s slight hyperbole considering I didn’t truly...
How to Make Holiday Birthdays Special
It was a balmy 70 degrees in Nashville the day we brought my youngest son home from the hospital. The temperatures were certainly unexpected for the week of Christmas, so he wore a long-sleeved...
You Do You, Mama!
Research makes me feel safe. When I have an unknown challenge looming in the distance, I open up a search engine and read everything I can find. Before participating in Tough Mudder in 2017,...
Is Adoption Really Plan A?
November celebrates National Adoption Awareness Month, and as a prospective adoptive parent, I thought I knew what I wanted to write about: Things I Didn’t Know Until I Started the Adoption Process.
There’s a lot...
5 Ways I’m Teaching My Kids to Love Health and Fitness
I started going to the gym two years ago for my own needs. My goals: to lose the baby weight, feel comfortable in my own skin, have more energy and better sleep, and enjoy...
A Boy with Three Mothers — An Adoption Story
Once upon a time, in a land far from my own, a baby was born to a woman in a mother’s home. Like most babies, he knew this woman's voice and her scent. He...